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Resources for Jobs & Internships

The following resources are designed to help you with your internship and/or job searches. The top menu items list resources by concentration interests. Further down, you will find links to Think Tanks, Fellowship Resources, Professional Associations, a Cover Letter Guide, and more.

Internship & Employment Websites

Economic and Financial Policy

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

Environmental Policy

Government, Politics, and Policy Studies

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

Human Rights and Social Justice

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

International Development

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

Public/Nonprofit Management

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

Science, Technology and Infrastructure Policy

Social Policy

Disclaimer: The MPA program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

Consulting Firms and Investment Banks

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

Boutique Consulting Firms in Public Sector

Think Tanks

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

Internship and Employment Websites

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

Recommended Sites for Jobs, Companies, Salaries, and Behavioral and Case Interviewing

  • Vault Career Guides: contains dozens of career guides for fields including nonprofit and consulting (first time users must register)
  • inside look at thousands of companies, salary reviews, and interview questions posted anonymously by employees.

Fellowship Resources

There are a number of fellowships available to recent college graduates in public policy, and the nonprofit fields. The term “fellowship” typically refers to a short term opportunity lasting from several months to several years with a focus on the professional development of the fellow.

Cornell Listing of Management Fellowship Programs

Print Reference Sources

The Fellowships Section of the Cornell Career Services library, 103 Barnes Hall, offers books listing fellowship opportunities. The collection includes general guides, directories of funding for specific fields and career goals, money for study abroad, and specialized resources for minority and disabled persons. Be sure to supplement your online search with these print resources.

Online Fellowship Databases

  • Graduate Fellowship Notebook, a variety of fellowships and scholarships for graduate study.
  • FastWeb, a database of over 180,000 funding sources. Register at the site by answering a series of questions about your background and interests. Relevant opportunities are placed in a personalized mailbox, which is updated periodically as new listings are added.
  • The Financial Aid Information Page provides descriptions of sources and links to other financial aid sites.
  • College Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships and Postdoctoral Awards for Minorities, a database searchable by keyword, designed specifically for minority students.
  • The Scholarship Resource Network, contains more than 8,000 listings of scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The SRN database lists mostly portable, private-sector, non-need-based aid. It also includes student loan forgiveness programs for those who have graduated from college. The database does not list institutional awards.

Prestigious Fellowships

If you have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, you may be eligible for one or more prestigious fellowships. In addition to an outstanding academic record, prestigious fellowship applicants should have made their mark in one or more other ways. Substantial intellectual or creative projects or evidence of leadership or public service, and strong, detailed faculty letters of recommendation are essential to compete for these awards. Several of these fellowships require official endorsement from Cornell, which entails an additional on-campus selection process.

MPA Program Listing of Management Fellowship Programs


Professional Associations

Federal Government

Disclaimer: The MPA Program does not advocate for or against these institutions, but merely supplies information.

This website is a one-stop show for how to find and apply for federal government jobs: index.php

A Guide to Government Careers: Make a Difference in Public Service