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Brooks Ready


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Congratulations on your admission to the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy. As you get ready to join the Brooks community, tell the world.

Download your digital swag to begin celebrating with us on social media or via CU on the Hill! Use the hashtag #BrooksReady to start connecting with your future classmates.

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Course Enrollment

The next step to be #BrooksReady is to select your fall 2024 classes! New student course pre-enrollment will take place July 22nd 12:00 PM (Eastern) through July 25th 4:00PM (Eastern). Below is important information on what you should take as a new student at the Brooks School. You are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to discuss your schedule before July 15th. 

First, to ensure you do not miss anything important, be sure to activate your Cornell netid as soon as possible! 

All first year students must take the following in their first semester:

Transfer students must take at least 6 credits of PUBPOL coursework.  Be sure to check the prerequisites listed on the course description to verify you have completed prior coursework necessary to join the class.

  • A first year writing seminar (3 credits)
    Look for any course with an FWS code.  All students must complete the first year writing seminar requirement within their first two semesters.  Even if you receive AP/IB credit for an FWS, it is recommended you take one in this first term.  You need to enroll yourself in an FWS during the pre-enroll period.  The FWS sections each have fewer than 20 seats. We recommend picking 3-4 FWS topics of interest that work in your schedule, in case your first-choice fills quickly.
  • ECON 1110 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 credits)
    Many of your courses will build upon concepts taught in microeconomics. We will automatically enroll you in ECON 1110-001, which is scheduled for Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9:05am-9:55am. Thus, it is important you take this course during your first semester.  If you received a 5 on the AP microeconomics exam or a 7 on the IB microeconomics HL exam, you may be able to waive this course. Please connect with an advisor to see what is right for you.  ECON 1001 Principles of Microeconomics Supplement is recommended to support your work in ECON 1110.


Additional Coursework:

To reach the recommended 15 credits you are encouraged to select additional courses that will meet your major requirements.  Here are a few ideas depending on your major and goals.  You are encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to discuss which option is right for your unique interests! 

Transfer Students:

As a transfer student you entered the Brooks School with a unique history of experiences that will be incredibly valuable to your upcoming education.  Given that your transfer coursework gave you a jump start on some of the Brooks School requirements, you are strongly encouraged to meet with an academic advisor to discuss your own unique schedule and how to remain on track in course sequencing.  To schedule an appointment go to the Cornell Chatter page, select “Brooks School Undergrad Student Services & Career Management”, and then select “transfer advising”.

In general, you should: 

  • Enroll in at least 12 academic credits (PE and Support courses do not count as academic credits)
  • Take a first year writing seminar if you have not completed the requirement with your transfer coursework. The first year seminar must be completed as soon as possible to remain in good academic standing.
  • Take ECON 1110 Introduction to Microeconomics and/or PUBPOL 2101 Introduction to Statistics, if you were unable to transfer these courses. These are important prerequisites necessary to stay on track with degree requirements.
  • Take at least 6 credits of PUBPOL (Public Policy) coursework. Brooks School transfer students are required to take 6 credits of PUBPOL coursework in each of their first two semesters to remain in good academic standing.
  • Take other courses that meet your Brooks School degree requirements.


How do I enroll in classes?

You can enroll in classes via student center, during the open pre-enrollment period between July 22, 2024 and July 25, 2024. Rest assured, you will also have a chance to adjust your schedule during orientation, if needed. Directions on how to use student center can be found on the registrar’s website.

Where can I browse classes?

You can view the current class schedule at

How many credits should I take this fall?

Each credit is equivalent to about 3-4 hours of work per week. Students typically enroll in 15 academic credits per semester.  Academic credits do not include PE courses or supplemental courses (E.g. ECON 1001).  This is a 45-60 hour work week. Completing 15 credits per semester will result in 120 credits in eight semesters, which is required for graduation. In order to maintain full-time status  students must enroll in at least 12 credits. New students are not permitted to enroll in more than 18 academic credits.

Where can I view my degree requirements?

The curriculum sheet for your major will list all the requirements you must complete in order to complete your degree.

How will I know if my AP/IB credits were accepted?

You can learn more about how your credits will be applied through our webpage on AP, IB and Pre-College credits. AP/IB credits are typically posted to your record in early September. 


I am a new first year student, can I transfer coursework I previously completed at another college?

If the course meets all of the following criteria, then the course may be eligible to transfer: 

  • This was a standard course available to all students registered in the college 
  • The course description and content of the course are the same for all enrolled students at all teaching sites 
  • The instructor is a faculty member at the offering college 
  • The course was not taught in your high school
  • The course did not apply towards your high school degree 
  • The section you completed was available to all students enrolled at the college 
  • The course was not limited to high school students 

If the course was completed before you graduated high school, please have the college and high school transfer credit forms completed by the appropriate representatives at your high school and college and sent to for registrar review.

If you are currently enrolled in the course for the summer semester, please complete an in absentia petition to have the course reviewed. 

Please note that you can only transfer up to 15 credits of coursework, including AP and IB credits. 

I am a new transfer student, how can I view my transfer credit evaluation?

You can access your transfer credit evaluation online using the email address and zip code that you used to apply. For any questions or issues accessing your transfer credit evaluation please contact 

How can I learn more about pre-med or pre-health advising at Cornell?

If you are thinking about completing the pre-health or pre-med track of coursework, it is important to take CHEM 2070 this fall.  You should also join the Pre-Health Newsletter email list for important advising updates.  There will be optional summer 2024 pre-health zoom sessions for first-year new students on July 16, 6PM-7PM EST and July 18th, 12PM-1PM EST and for transfer students on July 15th, 12PM-1PM EST and July 17th 6PM-7PM EST. Register now!

How can I learn more about pre-law advising at Cornell?

Unlike the pre-health/pre-med track there is no specific sequence of coursework necessary for pre-law students. If you are considering law school you are encouraged to first focus on challenging yourself in the Brooks School coursework as advised above. Once you are here and established at Cornell, you can begin exploring the wealth of pre-law opportunities and resources available through career services and the Brooks School, such as our State Policy Advocacy Clinic, which is available in your junior or senior year!

Who is my advisor? When and how can I meet with my advisor?

Advising at the Brooks School is done by a team of professional staff in the Brooks Office of Admissions, Student Services, and Career Management. Professional staff advisors are available to help you with specific advising questions including academic policies and procedures, credit requirements, degree requirements, course sequencing, petitions, transfer credit, study abroad, career planning, minor selection, exploring change of major, and personal coaching. Professional staff advisors will also serve as liaisons with other university offices and provide referral services to offices such as Student Disability Services, the Learning Strategies Center, Cornell Health, etc. If you have any questions about pre-enrollment go ahead and schedule an appointment with an advisor using the Cornell Chatter System. Simply select the “Brooks School Undergrad Student Services & Career Management”.

Who is my faculty mentor? When and how can I meet with my faculty mentor?

The Brooks School faculty mentors are currently on break and will return in August. You are encouraged to connect with your faculty mentor once the semester starts.  Brooks Faculty Mentors (listed as faculty advisor in student center) are available to mentor you on your interests in the field of public policy and broader career directions, within the context of the Brooks School curriculum. This includes offering you career development advice within the scope of the mentor’s networks and expertise. Mentors can counsel you on opportunities to engage within and outside of the Brooks School across our programming.  Faculty mentors will pull from their research expertise and network to inform you of current areas of research and opportunities in the field, particularly with regards to independent study and honors programming. Your faculty mentor will be assigned directly before Orientation.


If you have any questions, please contact the Brooks Office of Admissions, Student Services and Career Management.

Phone: 607-254-3451

Schedule an Advising Appointment 

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