Killing Precisely: A History of Drones and Precision Warfare

The Tech Policy Institute will be hosting Dr. James Rogers on April 19th at 10:15 in MVR G151. Please consider sharing with your respective departments/organizations. Below is a summary of the event and a promotional poster.
The Brooks Tech Policy Institute (BTPI) invites you to attend a Book Talk on the origins and evolution of drones and precision warfare. This event is part of the international book tour that draws on James Patton Rogers' new book, 'Precision: A History of American Warfare.’
In this talk, James Patton Rogers will take us back to 1917 and the origins of this quest for ‘precision’ in war within American strategic thought. Along the way, he will outline how precision developed throughout the 20th Century and highlight what the contemporary proliferation of precision weapons and drones means for the future of international security.