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Grant Development Program


CPC will once again partner with The Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy, the Cornell Center for Health Equity (CCHEq) and the Cornell Center for Social Sciences (CCSS) to offer the CCSS NIH Grant Development Writing Program to provide resources and mentorship opportunities to support the development of competitive NIH grant proposals.

The program will again focus on mentoring PI eligible social scientists through the process of writing an NIH grant from concept to submission.

The NIH Grant Development Workshop Series is open to the entire Cornell community, offering workshops, mentoring, and stipends to support your research and grant-writing.

Members of the 2022 cohort who did not participate in the grant development fellowship track last year are also eligible for the 2022 development tracks but are not required to participate in the 2023 cohort (though they are welcome to attend any sessions they choose).

For more information, please visit the NIH Grant Development Webpage.