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Past Events

March 8, 2024

Diego Alburez-Guttierrez, Research Group Leader at Max Planck institute for Demographic Research, will present "Projections of Human Kinship for All...

March 5, 2024

RSVP: Experience world-class courses, internships and community engagement designed to transform students into scholars, professionals, and...

March 4, 2024

With reporting on the “migration crises” and the “migration surge at the border” once again taking center stage in the media, those advocating for migrant...

March 1, 2024

Barum Park, Assistant Professor of Sociology, will present "What Kinds of Projects Should You Do in Graduate...

March 1, 2024

Qian Yang Assistant Professor, Information Science Accounting for AI's unintended consequences increasingly requires AI product designers to consider human- AI...

February 29, 2024

From local to global perspectives This lecture aims to illustrate different modalities of teaching, curriculum, educational partnerships and pedagogies within the fields of...

February 29, 2024

Sheila Olmstead is the Dean Rusk Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, a University Fellow at Resources for the Future, and a Senior Fellow...

February 28, 2024

The Amit Bhatia ’01 Global PhD Research Awards fund international fieldwork to help Cornell students complete their dissertations. Through a generous gift from Amit Bhatia,...

February 28, 2024

Sheila Olmstead is the Dean Rusk Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, a University Fellow at Resources for the Future, and a Senior Fellow...

February 23, 2024

Bryan Sykes, Associate Professor of Public Policy, will present How to Anticipate & Recover from Common Pitfalls, Hazards, & Difficulties in Graduate...