The Institute of Politics and Global Affairs at Cornell University is the only academically based institute of politics and global affairs located in the New York metropolitan area.
Today, politics is more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous than ever before, yet we continue applying the salve of soundbites.
Our mission is to raise the discourse and deepen people’s understanding of both domestic and international affairs.
The institute hosts world-class programs—in New York City, Ithaca, Washington, and international locales—with leaders from the United States and abroad. These programs provide opportunities for enriched understanding of political content in our contemporary societies.
The institute actively strives to build connections among Cornell University faculty, students, alumni, and policymakers while simultaneously engaging supporters, partners, and the general public.
Message from the Director

Director, Institute of Politics and Global Affairs
Member of Congress (2001-2017)
In Congress, one of the lessons I learned was that nothing seems to matter until the military gives it an acronym. The U.S. Army War College has described the state of the world, the nation, our communities and politics as “VUCA”—volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Today, politics is more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous than it has been, yet we continue applying the salve of soundbites.
The mission of the Institute of Politics and Global Affairs at Cornell University is to raise the discourse and deepen people’s understanding of both domestic and international affairs
The institute hosts world-class programs—in New York City, Ithaca, Washington, and international locales—with nonpartisan leaders from the United States and abroad. These programs provide opportunities for enriched understanding of political content in our contemporary societies and create opportunities for our members to meet with foreign leaders abroad.
The institute seeks to engage several core constituencies in its activities: Cornell students, faculty and alumni; institute supporters and members; and the general public.
We look forward to your participation in our efforts.
Message from the Faculty Director

Faculty Director, Institute of Politics and Global Affairs
Clinton Rossiter Professor in American Institutions, College of Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
The most urgent challenges facing contemporary politics transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries. For example, global climate change, increasingly intense competition over finite resources, and mass migration are inextricably linked. Collectively, these forces threaten political stability in myriad ways, and they continue to place considerable stress on democratic institutions in the United States and around the world. Such complex problems defy a simple political or scientific solution.
Given its unique institutional structure as a private and land-grant university with vibrant urban and rural campuses, Cornell is uniquely positioned to lead the quest for answers to these vexing challenges. However, success will require collaboration and coordination across the humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields. Just as critically, it requires bridging the gap between the academy and policymaking communities.
The Institute of Politics and Global Affairs at Cornell University is committed to fostering these connections and bringing together researchers, students, and policymakers to engage pressing political and policy problems. While the institute sponsors a range of programming on key policy issues, current areas of emphasis include: confronting challenges threatening democratic institutions around the world, facilitating dialogue at the intersection of science and policymaking, and combating emerging threats to global security.
We warmly invite faculty, students, alumni, and the general public to participate in our programs and engage these crucial questions with us.
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